Usually, red skin, drainage and pus, and a bad smell are signs of a pilonidal cyst. A pilonidal cyst is a type of cyst that commonly occurs near the tailbone when a loose hair causes friction on the skin. A cyst can also form near the tailbone, causing it to hurt.
Sometimes, a skin infection can cause tailbone pain. Possible Health Conditions Related to Tailbone Pain Infection This can be natural, but it doesn’t mean you have to live with serious discomfort, as you can always talk to your doctor about possible options for treating tailbone pain. Over time, repetitive motion can cause the tailbone to become worn out. Sometimes, tailbone pain occurs simply because of age. Losing weight can help with the problem however, those who lose weight very quickly might not have time to get used to their changing body and are more likely to hurt their tailbone through an injury because of the decreased protection from the weight they used to carry. People who are overweight put more weight on their tailbones when they sit for long periods of time, and this can cause pain and discomfort in the area. Sometimes, people who are overweight experience pain in their tailbones.

However, it is common and not usually a concern, especially if it occurs just before a birth. This can cause pain and discomfort in the tailbone because these ligaments are often near or even attached to the bone. The last trimester of pregnancy sees a change in the ligaments around this area as the body prepares for the baby to enter the birth canal. Pregnancy is another common cause of tailbone pain.

Broken tailbones are not common, however although painful, most tailbone injuries are bruises that simply heal with time. Like other bones in your body, your tailbone can break as the result of an injury, and you will need treatment from a doctor for it to heal properly. You can hurt your tailbone in a number of ways, the most mild being bruising and the most severe being the dislocation of your tailbone or even breaking your tailbone. You can, in fact, injure your tailbone if you fall and land on your bottom or even if you sit down too hard. However, if you notice this happens often, such as when you sit at a desk, you might want to think about replacing your chair. If this happens once, it usually isn’t a problem, and your tailbone pain will likely go away after a few hours. Sitting for a long period of time could cause your tailbone to hurt, especially if you sit on a hard surface, such as the ground, a plastic or wooden chair, or a bench.